Passion fruit, also known as passiflora, is a flowering tropical vine that grows in
warm and humid climates. It contains a soft pulp that has lots of edible seeds inside
the hard rind. It is a versatile fruit that enhances the flavour of anything you add it to.
Also, you can eat the pulp and seeds, juice it, or add them to other shakes and
The Passion Fruit we provide is of Golden Yellow skinned colour, Very Sweet and less sour harvested in cold climate foresterial regions almost 6000 ft high above sea level and in unpolluted area which makes the fruit very tasty and healthy. Once having, it's impossible to forget the taste and quality of this special Fruit.
Although passion fruit is a tropical fruit, there are some varieties that can survive
even the sub-tropical weather as well. This is the primary reason they are found in
almost every corner of the planet.
The fruit has also gained a lot of popularity due to its richness in some powerful
antioxidants and other nutrients that offer tremendous health benefits. Let us look at
the nutritional profile and potential health benefits of passion fruit.